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Some Legends or Inscripitions Appearing on the Coins of England and Great Britain

  • A DOMINO FACTUM EST ISTUD ET EST MIRABILE IN OCULIS NOTRIS - This is the Lord's doing and it is marvellous in our eyes.
  • A DNO FACTUM EST ISTUD ET EST MIRAB IN OCUL - This is the Lord's doing and it is marvellous in our eyes.
  • AMOR POPULI PRAESIDIUM REGIS - The love of the people is the King's protection. On angels of Charles I
  • ANNO REGNI PRIMO - In the first year of the reign. Other years may be given.
  • BELLO ET PACE - War and Peace.
  • CAMBIENDI SVBSIDIVM - A help to change.
  • CHRISTO AUSPICE REGNO - I reign under the auspices of Christ.
  • CIVIUM INDUSTRIA FLORET CIVITAS - By the industry of its people the State flourishes. On the 1951 Festival Crown of George VI.
  • CULTORES SUI DEUS PROTEGIT - God protects His worshippers. Gold double crowns of Charles I
  • DECUS ET TUTAMEN - Design and safeguard.
  • DIEU ET MON DROIT - God and my right.
  • DOMINE NE IN FURORE TUO ARGUAS ME - O Lord, rebuke me not in Thine anger.
  • DOMINUS DEUS OMNIPOTENS REX (DN D O REX) - Lord God, Almighty King.
  • DUM SPIRO SPERO - While I live, I hope.
  • EXALTABITUR IN GLORIA - He shall be exhaulted in glory. On all quarter-nobles.
  • EXURGAT DEUS ET DISSIPENTUR INIMICI EIUS - Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered.
  • FACIAM EOS IN GENTEM UNAM - I will make them one nation.
  • FLORENT CONCORDIA REGNA - Through concord, kingdoms flourish.
  • HANC DEUS DEDIT - God has given this. On siege-pieces of Pontefract struck by Charles II.
  • HAS NISI PERITURUS NIHI ADIMAT NEMO - Let no one remove these from me under peril of death. Referring to the edge letters used as a design against clipping.
  • HENRICUS ROSAS REGNA JACOBUS - Henry the roses, James the Kingdoms. Referring to Henry uniting the roses (War of the Roses) and James the kingdoms of England and Scotland.
  • HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE - Evil to him who evil thinks.
  • INIMICOS EJUS INDUAM CONFUSIONE - As for his enemies, I shall clothe them with shame.
  • JESUS AUTEM TRANSIENS PER MEDIUM ILLORUM IBAT - But Jesus, passing through the midst of them, went His way.
  • JUSTITIA THRONUM FIRMAT - Justice strengthens the throne.
  • LUCERNA PEDIBUS MEIS VERBUM EST - The word is a lamp unto my feet.
  • NUMMORUM FAMULUS - The servent of the coinage.
  • O CRUX AVE SPES UNICA - Hail O Cross, our only hope.
  • PAX MISSA PER ORBEM - Peace sent throughout the world.
  • PAX QUAERITUR BELLO - Peace is sought through war.
  • PER CRUCEM TUAM SALVA NOS CHRISTE REDEMPTOR - By Thy cross, save us, O Christ, our Redeemer.
  • POST MORTEM PATRIS PRO FILIO - After the death of the father for the son.
  • POSUI DEUM ADJUTOREM MEUM - I have made God my Helper.
  • PROTECTOR LITERIS LITERAE NUMMIS CORONA ET SALUS - A protection to the letters, the letters are a garland and a safeguard to the coinage. The edge letters were a protection to the letters on the face of the coin, saving them from being clipped.
  • QUAE DEUS CONJUNXIT NEMO SEPARET - What God has joined let no man separate. Referring to the joining of England and Scotland.
  • QVATVOR MARIA VINDICO - I claim the four seas. (on the pattern farthings of Charles II)
  • REDDE CUIQUE QUOD SUUM EST - Render to each that which is his own.
  • RELIGIO PROTESTANTIVM LEGES ANGLIAE LIBERTAS PARLIAMENTI - The religion of the Protestants, the laws of England, the liberty of Parliament.
  • ROSA SINE SPINA - A rose without a thorn.
  • RUTILANS ROSA SINE SPINA - A dazzling rose without a thorn.
  • SCUTUM FIDEI PROTEGET EUM - The shield of faith shall protect him.
  • SCUTUM FIDEI PROTEGET EAM - The shield of faith shall protect her.
  • TALI DICATA SIGNO MENS FLUCTUARI NEQUIT - Consecrated by such a sign the mind cannot waver.
  • TIMOR DOMINI FONS VITAE - The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
  • TUEATUR UNITA DEUS - May God guard these united. Referring to the united kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
  • VERITAS TEMPORIS FILIA - Truth, the daughter of Time.
  • FAQ | Coins of England and Great Britain