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Coins of China, Ching - Jen Tsung (Cr-273) for Sale

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Cr-273 Cash (1796 - 1820 AD)
O Characters CHIA CHING above and below and TUNG PAO left and right of central square hole
CHIA CHING TUNG PAO (Coinage of Increasing Good)
R Characters to left and right of square hole
BOO (PAO in Manchu) to left of square hole, Board of Public Works Peking Mint character to right
Item #China-CR-273_0 $0.50 Available
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Cr-273 Cash (1796 - 1820 AD)
O Characters CHIA CHING above and below and TUNG PAO left and right of central square hole
CHIA CHING TUNG PAO (Coinage of Increasing Good)
R Characters to left and right of square hole
BOO (PAO in Manchu) to left of square hole, Board of Revenue Peking Mint character to right
Item #China-CR-273_1 $0.50 Available
(Contact Seller)

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